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The Forum is an online publication run by the students of Wilton High School in Wilton, Connecticut. Our main purpose is to allow students to express their values, ideas, opinions, and talents. We want to act as a representation of the school as a whole and to be the voice for those who choose not to speak up. We aim to provide our community with knowledgeable information on numerous topics in a timely, interesting, and entertaining manner. We stand by providing our community with high-quality information, produced by its own local high school journalists. Opinions and ideas expressed in any writing on The Forum are not representative of Wilton High School, its student body, or faculty as a whole, but rather the writers themselves.

The Forum is always interested in updating and progressing its content, as well as providing a place for discussion. Comments are welcome but are expected to nurture the high school journalism community and Wilton High School as a whole. Therefore, profanity, foul language, attacks, or any other harmful behavior, is not permitted on The Forum‘s website. All questions, concerns, and other inquiries should be emailed to the Editor-in-Chief or advisor.

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Wilton High School